Thursday, June 18, 2009

Still Here!

Been having a busy past week and a half so far, I'm hitting the comic shop today and picking up my pull list from the past month, so I'm sure I'll have plenty to write/complain about in the very near future!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just finished Phantasy Star 1, and my only question is...who the hell translated this, and were they fired immediately after launch?

Monday, June 1, 2009

My relationship with Stanley Kubrick

I'll kick this off by saying this, Stanley Kubrick is a talented director with the wonderful ability to impart his style into everything he does. He is not, nor has ever been one of the forgettable cookie-cutter directors, nor has he ever been over-stylized. Much like the sound of your favorite band, his films have always had that great quality, when you watch them, you know who directed them.
Now that you know, I admire and respect Mr.Kubrick, I have a confession to make:

I have seen almost every movie Stanley Kubrick has made. Now, with the exception of Dr.Strangelove (my favorite), and the two I haven't seen, each and every one, even Full Metal Jacket, yes, EVEN A Clockwork Orange, has put me to sleep.

This is not to say I haven't seen the movies in full, I'd simply go back to the last point that I remember and watch from there, and usually in 2 or 3 sittings I'll get the whole movie. I love most all of them. I can't honestly tell you what it is. They don't bore me, they're just, to my mental faculties, cinematic lullabies.
I go through bouts of insomnia here and there, this blog was started through one of them, but once I give up on actually trying to sleep, if I put on 2001, I know I'll be asleep within an hour.

So, that's it really, just a bit of odd about me, for you. If by some random chance/occurrence Mr. Kubrick stumbles upon my humble blog, I'll end the post with this:

My apologies Sir, but thank you anyway.

About the Author

Chris is a tragic optimist. He is an avid geek. He is unashamed. He is a bit of a looney. He likes coffee....and dark chocolate. Follow me on Twitter: revmannix138

Me...lookin' smug

Me...lookin' smug
