Friday, August 19, 2011

A Dance with Mediocrity

I just finished reading “A Dance with Dragons”. Hmm…I don’t quite know. I have to assume that anyone who’s read this has to have read the rest of the series, thus, I also have to assume that George R.R. Martin knows this and yes, it’s his world, he can do what he wants, but I think a measure of fan service is due from anyone who creates such a beloved series. He didn’t really do that in this book. His “cliffhangers” as they were felt weak and unnecessary compared to the ones in previous books. I think he could have ended it better a few chapters/characters short of what he did. They don’t leave me anxious for the next book as much as irritated with this one.

Mind you, by no means am I saying it wasn’t a good read. Rather, it simply felt more like the filler episodes for backstory that you see in a lot of TV shows. The stuff between the big twists and turns in the series. Which is all well and good, but I don’t believe they work in a 1100 pg novel. The previous four books left you feeling like you do when that “to be continued…” flashes across the screen on a particularly intense episode of (insert name of your favorite show here), this one felt simply like Season 3 Episode 5 of ______.

I’ll be waiting for the next book more due to loyalty and fandom than excitement and anxiousness for what comes next and I’m hoping the wait isn’t in vain.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out

This is the song running through my head...hint hint

About the Author

Chris is a tragic optimist. He is an avid geek. He is unashamed. He is a bit of a looney. He likes coffee....and dark chocolate. Follow me on Twitter: revmannix138

Me...lookin' smug

Me...lookin' smug
