Now that you know, I admire and respect Mr.Kubrick, I have a confession to make:
I have seen almost every movie Stanley Kubrick has made. Now, with the exception of Dr.Strangelove (my favorite), and the two I haven't seen, each and every one, even Full Metal Jacket, yes, EVEN A Clockwork Orange, has put me to sleep.
This is not to say I haven't seen the movies in full, I'd simply go back to the last point that I remember and watch from there, and usually in 2 or 3 sittings I'll get the whole movie. I love most all of them. I can't honestly tell you what it is. They don't bore me, they're just, to my mental faculties, cinematic lullabies.
I go through bouts of insomnia here and there, this blog was started through one of them, but once I give up on actually trying to sleep, if I put on 2001, I know I'll be asleep within an hour.
So, that's it really, just a bit of odd about me, for you. If by some random chance/occurrence Mr. Kubrick stumbles upon my humble blog, I'll end the post with this:
My apologies Sir, but thank you anyway.