Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A request

So, as I'm attempting to update this blog more often, I wish to give myself more to write about. I think a good method to accomplish this would be to ask for your help.

Tell me a movie/show you think I should watch (especially if it's on netflix instant watch) and I'll give it a view and a write-up. Thus also expanding my knowledge of film as well, which is always a good thing!


  1. Don't know if this fits in the rampant geekery mode or not, but I'd be interested to hear what you think of Guy Maddin's films. "Careful" and "Dracula: Pages From a Virgin's Diary" are both on Netflix instant.

  2. I'll start tonite!! Probably going to watch "Careful" first. I'm kind of tired and don't know if I can do a ballet tonite regardless of the content, hahaha

  3. Okay, since I haven't seen any comments on the Guy Maddin films yet, let's try something completely different... Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus. It's on Netflix instant, and it will change your life (Not necessarily for the better...).


About the Author

Chris is a tragic optimist. He is an avid geek. He is unashamed. He is a bit of a looney. He likes coffee....and dark chocolate. Follow me on Twitter: revmannix138

Me...lookin' smug

Me...lookin' smug
